Does this make you mad?!


Does this make you mad?

I put this on less than 10 minutes ago and it was reported for violation. How can this be offensive??
Whats your opinion on it?

Answers: No it dont make me mad. Its kinda sad but not offensive.
Only a loser would be mad at this. its annoying well, its a stupid "movie" but

Yahoo is left wing scum. idk the site wont open! It's very sad and beautiful.

Anyone offended by this is choosing to close off the world from the inside, by way of closing off anyone who offends their senses. A poor option at best. Hard things to look at are often in desperate need of being seen. I didn't find it offensive at all. What gives with the violation? omg, that really sad......awhhh....i was about to, im not mad.........its a a very touching story..... :( No it does not make me mad ..A little on the sad side that was a bad day for a lot of folks and most of all for the people who lost loved ones... No it makes me laugh when i see the cartoon AHAHAa yea not offensive, but controversial i guess. It is not offensive. I dont get it either. people who are overly sensitive need to get off the internet and become nuns or priests cause the real world is too much for them to handle. The link doesn't work any more - at least for me. But, I'm sure it was because the new guidelines say something about not putting links in the questions. Something like that. There are too many to keep up with any more. Sorry you got violated. I heard this on my MySpace page. Did you do this? It's really good. I cried during the scene of her on that bridge (is it a bridge?) I guess that some people might be upset that she was alone when she was just a kindergarten. But I liked it (does that sound bad?) I don't mean to be nosy but did your girlfriend die in 9/11? If so my heart goes out to you! It is very sad.....Y/A Do you ask a question with that little movie if not maybe that's why you got a violation.....Y/A is really weird if you ask me ......I really liked the video and I found it to be a little sad but I didn't think it was offensive sad but not offensive but I have got violated for saying I dunno so people violate just to be mean & make top reporters. I'd appeal the violation & see what they say. It's NOT offensive. It's beautiful and heart felt, that it made me cry. I don't know why it was erased and it shouldn't have. Thanks for posting it again. We, the people, need things like this to keep us going.

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