Finish the sentence: You know you are getting old when.....?!


Finish the sentence: You know you are getting old when.....?

You know you are getting old when you cant find your glasses WITHOUT your glasses.

Answers: You know you are getting old when the music you like isn't even played on the oldies station anymore. When your teeth go out more than you do.
When you spend more time finding your glasses, teeth, hearing aids and brace than you do at the party.
When you have all the public restrooms memorized
You hear your favorite songs in the elevator u carry a big purse I can't find my glasses without my glasses even now! And I'm 22 =)
I hope I will never feel I'm getting old.
I wanna be forever young!!!!!!!!
Muahahahahaaa it feels like the sahara desert in your pants. you have to get up three times a night to pee That squeak you hear getting in and out of bed is now coming from your knees. people are afraid to adress you as "mom" in public You know you are getting old when you cant remember someones name and you just call them "Doc".
You meet new people every day, that way!!!

When you get off the bus and the bus driver says "ma'am instead of HEY LADY!!!!

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