Is it your very merry unbirthday today?!


Is it your very merry unbirthday today?

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6 hours ago
A very merry
Unbirthday to you,
To you, A very merry
Unbirthday to you,
To you,
It's great to
Drink to someone ,
And I guess that
You will do,
A very merry
Unbirthday to you!

statistics prove that you've
one birthday
one birthday every year
but there are 364 un birthdays
that is why we are all gathered here

a very merry unbirthday to all
to all
a very merry unbirthday to all
to all
thats how we sing the day away
a verry merry unbirthday
to all

Answers: 6 hours ago
A very merry
Unbirthday to you,
To you, A very merry
Unbirthday to you,
To you,
It's great to
Drink to someone ,
And I guess that
You will do,
A very merry
Unbirthday to you!

statistics prove that you've
one birthday
one birthday every year
but there are 364 un birthdays
that is why we are all gathered here

a very merry unbirthday to all
to all
a very merry unbirthday to all
to all
thats how we sing the day away
a verry merry unbirthday
to all Why THANK you for remembering! And remembering Alice in Wonderland's Mad Hatter!!

When I worked in an office, I organized a "Sunshine Club" to celebrate birthdays... well... if there was a month that did NOT have someone's birthday in it, we would celebrate our Merry UN-Birthday!

Everyone is entitled to my opinion. Cute song.

Yes, it's my UN-Birthday today. I thought it was a happy unbirthday??? huh. whatever.

YES IT IS MY MERRY UNBIRTHDAY!!! should I be happy or sad?!?!? Thanks. How cute. ahh cute - hehe a very merry unbirthday to you too xxx
wheres me present??

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