Can you figure out what my... : )?!


Can you figure out what my... : )?

...halloween costume is based on this description?

I'm going to wear a slip and write on it id, ego, superego, electra complex, oedipus complex.... get it?

What am I?

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10 hours ago
Being called a nerd is the highest compliment thank you.... but so far, no one got it!!

Answers: 10 hours ago
Being called a nerd is the highest compliment thank you.... but so far, no one got it!! a Freudian slip. (I didn't read other answers. Did everyone get it?)

edit add: I just read your detail....always cool to be the first. LOL Structural model? subconscious mind?? A Nerd? french maid? You got me on this one!! I will try it though, is it different personality types?? A man wearing a slip? lol The ego stuff make me think of that. lol Has to be a Freudian slip...LOL
U can't pull 1 over on me...OOPPS!! ok omg that is too funny. very original!! Freudian slip.
lawdy knows we all have those moments.

edit- that guy raj only answers OK to ALL his answers. aggravates the crap outta me

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