Can you tell us all, what did YOU catch?!


Can you tell us all, what did YOU catch?

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6 hours ago
me, it's my son's stupid cold!

6 hours ago
My hubby caught the tail end of a good movie he wanted to see!

Answers: 6 hours ago
me, it's my son's stupid cold!6 hours ago
My hubby caught the tail end of a good movie he wanted to see! a husband....get well...we are fighting it too.. morning breath. D: i need to go brush my teeth soon. i caught up to the people i'm racing the end of a movie same here i have just got over a rotten cold , feel better soon xx I caught a bit of a head cold that the nurses seem to be sharing at work. Odd, we don't get sick from the patients, but from each other! lol i have this soar throat infection going around my school Headache from my either my mom, or just my brothers big mouth. lol. i don't know if my mom is sick or not cause she is sleeping. I caught a cold that I have battled for 2 wks. Get well soon! Lots and LOTS of boogie! Also my mom's cake within a grasp. I caught herpes from my wife.

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