Is it fair to talk dirty?!


Is it fair to talk dirty?

I know she loves it, but her kids are with her now............

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10 hours ago
Obviously, the kids can't hear

You wanna watch? Sure...........

Answers: 10 hours ago
Obviously, the kids can't hear

You wanna watch? Sure........... you KNOW its so NOT fair....

and I will get you back

however, the SECOND they go to are sooooooo gonna get it........oh feck are you gonna get it what??????

her kids are there???
you can't talk dirty in front of the kids, you perv!!!

and what do you mean fair?

and why is "she" yelling at you?

this is a stupid question.

and i am even dumber for answering it. Who cares?? that's why you were given the winderfull talent of whispering. NO! Let her know that someone told you if she continues to use trash talk her kids will pick it up when they get old enough.
The kids will end up using in front of their kids,their friends,thier teachers,as well as you and her both!
If she doesn't want that for her kids,she better stop now!
When she starts think-n of he-u know what,tell her use heck instead it's more apropriate around the kids.
When she thinks of f-u know what,tell her use freakin which is also more apropriate for kids,things like that,okay?
That'll help straighten her out,yet you won't ruin her personality.


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