Is there ever a time when Lying would be appropriate?!

Question: yes

Answers: yes

Yes - When help someone

There will always be a time when lying's appropriate. That's life!

When someone's life is in danger.
Then the line moves further back according to one's morality or circumstance.

yes it depends what is all about

yup at Christmas when someone asks- DID you get me anything? lol other than that probably not

I think lying is okay to save someone from being hurt. For example, I had this friend who wasn't very attractive and she liked this guy. She wanted me to talk to him for her and let him know she was interested. He was NOT at all interested. He wasn't even attracted to her. I told her that he had a girlfriend. Nothing wrong with that.

Or lying to save your own a.s.s is always good..LOL

If you want to live peacefully, yes. Don't guess people's real ages if asked, don't ever tell a woman she's fat if she asks, always tell your boss what he/she wants to hear.

It is called "white lie" for the sake of saving a person(s) whom you proved to be innocent.

Yes, when you want to spare someones feelings. However, if you are being dishonest with a spouse or girlfriend you should come clean. You can move on and so can they.

If your boss ever comes in and asks who the idiot was that wrote the horrible comments about him, and if he finds out he will have them fired on the spot, and you happen to be that idiot. That would be a very acceptable time to lie like a dog.

yes there is. Well when your in a situation were you don't want to hurt others feelings then of course you lie and when you want to make others appy. Well I do!

yes but don't keep making up lies all the time. Gets confusing to keep up the charade.

yup. if, say, someones gettin attacked by a giant english-speaking bear.
but you shout to the bear 'there's a camp of american tourists just over the cliff'.
so the bear runs off the cliff and lands in the river and floats away.
that person is saved from dying. therefore lying is good.

yes, its ok to lie when telling an untruth will have positive moral consequences.

For example: In Nazi Germany, if the Gestapo asked you if you knew where some Jews were hiding, and you lied and said "No."

on my page i believe lying is never appropriate... however, sometimes people try to push me for information i do not wish to give, and instead of lying, i always tell them "ask me no questions and i will tell you no lies....that works most of the time, they give up..............

I should say no...but I'm not going to. Yes I think so...

There are times when it may be ok to lie, you never want to do it to hurt someone. or to get out of doing a chore, or going to Grandmas LOL. But there are times that the truth would just be to painful for a person to hear, or know.. In the case of a loved one, if it was a horrible death, they need not know all of the horrible details.. it would be ok to say you did not know.. but to tell a lie to just be telling a lie will get you in big trouble , because it always come back to bite you in the butt. on lie turns into another lie and so on and so on... and it gets hard to remember who you told what lie, and you will get caught in the end.. and probably hurt a lot of people in the process..

Sometimes Lying is essential, it all depends on the context.
As one of the Great Greek said. "A lie that helps keeping the peace is better than the truth that rouses war".

Only if it's to protect your self from a life threatening situation, assault, or great bodily injury, or someone else's...

well, think of it this way, if the roles were reversed would you want to be lied to.. assuming yes, then expand it to everyone and if you can't think of an exception (that is in every similar circumstance every reasonable human being would want to be lied to) than the answer is yes, it is morally acceptable to do so in that situation, though I highly doubt you will ever find a situation which is universal around lying.
Another way to look at it (though problematic), is if lying promotes the greatest good from the situation, then you should tell the lie. I say it is problematic because if you simple look at the ends to justify the means you can justify many things that anyone would tell you are plain wrong.

My gut tells me the answer is no, lying is always wrong and never justified morally. However, in most circumstances nobody is forcing you to answer a question dishonestly, you can simply remain silent or change the subject, or if need be reply honestly but with some tact.

If your friend were in a hospital bed and dying of cancer and asked if the new lipstick she had on was pretty (and you hated the color).

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