Do you believe the?!

Question: media has us right where they want us?

Answers: media has us right where they want us?

they don't have ME anywhere! I stay far away from the media

yes, because they can basically advertise anything they want to and they know someone out there will buy it.

not me, but some people yes. The news wants you deppressed and commiting suicide so they can have another story. Serials want you obsessed with the show so that you'll keep watching it, and sitcoms want you to laugh so you'll buy the season DVD's. That's just TV.

yes, its all corporate owned now. we don't stand a chance

Yes & it's making me nervous.

they intrude into any body's life they show no respect to anyone ,who do they think they?? are i which that the table was turned on them and just see how they cope shame shame shame :-(

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