Ask a silly question and you get 25 answers interesting ones get 3?!

Question: a waste of time I think - any comments?

Answers: a waste of time I think - any comments?

That's so true.

You ask something as a knowledge-seeker, you won't get answers more than 7. You ask something for fun, you can get up to hundreds.

I guess that shows what this world is coming to huh?

i have explosive diarrhea

I agree. I have seen some pretty intellectual questions out thee, but those ones only get 5-10 answers. There are a lot of silly questions here on P & S that are funny and that I enjoy, but have found to be sort of dumb. Usually, there are like 20 or even 30 to 40, maybe even more answerers. I think people care more about getting two points then ctually thinking deeply to answer a more serious questions-which isnt bad! I do that a lot too!

Where's the butter?

im with you thats why i do the name something ones lol

that's why it's called P&S
and i like it.

What size shoe are you? lol that is the first thing that popped in my head

Happens to me all the time. But the silly one's are more fun to answer. Like this one is going to get 25 answers.

This always happens on Sundays !

I guess so...
Silly question makes P&S fun...

yey i agree

Sometimes it's hard to stimulate people.

i like turtles

No, because what interest one does not interest, I come here to play.

Yep. When you're right, you're right.

I agree with Josh 100% and starred you.
Thnx for posting.
It's very easy to earn 2 points but not so easy to give advise, in this case answer importing questions.

absoultly true

there's trolls out there these days! watch out!

i agree with you.
it happenned with me several times.
but may be those questions who get 25 answers or more are more funny and easy to answer,while the others are more complicated and serious.

but also i asked serious questions,and got lots of answers.

there's no rule in here.

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