Is AIDS a human made disease?!

Question: Or a God made disease?
what do you think and why do you think it?

Answers: Or a God made disease?
what do you think and why do you think it?

I don't think it's either, if you believe that God made everything in the world then obviously God made AIDS.

If you are a realist (but still Christian) like me, then you should now that AIDS was a transmutation of a similar disease in monkeys to man.

How it jumped from them to man is anyones guess, the most likely scenario is by being bitten by an infected monkey.

It's a similar type of transmutation from BSE in cattle to vCJD in humans.

didn't it come from somebody having sexual relations with a monkey? if so, human made.


It's an unfortunate side product of evolution gone wrong

aint got a clue mate..

Someone had sex with a monkey or goat,(I forget which,Ive head it told both ways.) and that's how the first person got aids,lol,the sad truth.

It all depends on who you ask.

It was made by Republicans during Reagan's tenure.

HIV first formed in chimpanzees. This has been determined by studying the genetic development of the virus. Since chimps' genetic code is so similar to ours (95% absolutely the same) the virus was easily compatible with our human bodies. Somehow the virus was transferred from chimps to rural African villagers before the 1950s.

Viruses are natural-occurring. They're only human-made if scientists alter them in laboratories. We did not make HIV. I'm an atheist, so I don't think God had anything to do with it.

Most of us know where aids came from. But AIDS is just a virus that has evolved to survive. The whole purpose of life is to evolve, and the strongest will survive. The same goes for viruses and other micro organisims. There is no cure for aids because it is a complicated virus.

People with a religious point of view seem to be convinced that AIDS is a form of punishment for those that disobey the rules of God. But in my personal opinion I don't believe that it is a punishment from God, I think that this virus is just another organism trying to survive in this world.

I think there was a lot of rubbish talked about the 'gay plague' a few years ago, but was under the impression that we were a little more enlightened now. I don't believe anyone made it, any more than the common cold or pneumonia. Viruses mutate all the time and no doubt one of them will get us all in time.

Actually, Hiv is a retro virus, not a virus. Retro viruses are quite common, so it has puzzled scientists as to why hiv actually affects us.
But it is also quite curious how it disguises itself as a t cell until ready to carry out it's master plan, as many man made treatments are made in the same the way!
Worth thinking about.

they say human made. i think from some disease monkeys or apes get. not too sure


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