We are born with a face and a brain. We don't choose our face or our brain. !

Question: Why do snobby people with brains make fun of people with nice faces but not so clever brains?

Why is it wrong for good looking people to make fun of ugly people, but OK for brainy people to make fun of dumb people?

It's double-standards isn't it?

Answers: Why do snobby people with brains make fun of people with nice faces but not so clever brains?

Why is it wrong for good looking people to make fun of ugly people, but OK for brainy people to make fun of dumb people?

It's double-standards isn't it?

Making fun of people is definitely bad. It's condemnable.

However, one shouldn't just sit idle and blame everything on God's choice of the brain and looks they have. There is something called development, grooming, nurturing.

We should study, enlighten ourselves, exercise our mental faculties so that our brain grows into a fine one.

Likewise, for the way one looks, one should take care of own physique and appearances...

haha good points. Never thought of that. ;)

they can both make fun of each other

we inherit the looks from both of our parents.

I agree. I hate double standards.

I think people should not pick on people because they are different. That is wrong though sometimes I do it!

never thought of if that way!

HUH.......yeah whatever you say

it's not ok. it's just a little more accepted. people with good brains should use them and help those who need it.

Common on...how do you know they make fun of the dumbs or ugly...its only in your mind,you know!

i agree with you totally its really messed up how the world turns

I agree. It doesn't make sense because EVERYONE is dumb/smart in his/her own way. That's what makes us UNIQUE!

Who says its alright to make fun of 'dumb' people? Its really not alright to make fun of anyone.

Idk everyone makes fun of someone

yea but people most of the time make the decisions if they want to learn or not. so u can have controll over ur brain but not so much looks

You can't change how you look but you can become educated.
I know if I was ignorant I'd do whatever I could to change.

of course. we're human and constantly trying to outrank each other to build ourselves up. not the most moral thing but it's the truth :/

Some people are just nasty for the sake of being nasty - nothing is going to change those who are narrow minded. It is up to the recipient of criticism to be the better person and ignore those who THINK they are better or have the upper hand.

Its ok for both to make fun of other, but at the same time it isn't. Any nerd can look good looking, and any not so clever minded can read books to become clever, if they stop excersizing to look good and just read, they will become a nerd too.

The only ones that I make fun of are the MEAN people!!

yes it is, in a perfect world no one would make fun of others short comings..... every one has something to offer.. how boring of a world this would be, if we all looked alike and all thought alike..... and if someone is not as intelligent as someone else, obviously, that is not there fault.. so making fun of someone is just mean and cruel.... but what comes around goes around... ( an old saying) they will get it back at them one day :)

Unfortunately, yes.

My take:

You can always gild the lily but you can't fix stupid.

You can always study to increase your intelligence, and you can always do things to improve your appearance and the reverse is true too - but many brainy people are actually insecure so they may do stuff like make fun of other to make themselves feel better. Same goes for the beautiful people making fun of the less-fortunate looking.

Just a thought.

Because we can do little about our looks, but brains can be trained, and we sometimes assume (not always correctly) that dumb people are lazy and haven't tried to educate themselves. On saying that, some potentially good-looking people let themselves go or just dont look after themselves, and I believe they are made fun of sometimes as much. Heyho....

I think people just need to stop being petty and accept people for who they are. We all have different aspects for a reason so theres no reason to make fun of someone who is different than you.

but good points there

Of course our world is built upon the only double standard that has ever existed and always will exist:The haves and the have nots.It's not that it's Ok,but it is more socially acceptable because the lower man is always supposed to tolerate the one of the higher post.

People with double standards like that are just insecure jerks anyway. That's the definition for people who find pleasure in verbally abusing others to justify their false sense of "being better" somehow when they are actually not very happy with who they really are. Ever heard the saying 'it takes one to know one'?

ronald mcdonald

Look, forget all this. Dumb people and smart people are all the same, and they just make fun of other people. People do not always like each other. This whole question was very confusing, might I add.

That's a fault of human society nothings fair life isn't fair in general that's a great comment you've made and i think you could be onto something......Just keep your head up and realised there probably insecure....so putting people down makes them feel better its there problem not yours

Stay happy =)

You make a good point there.

Because most people would rather have the looks than the brains .. we just feel sorry for the nerds.

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