Survey: Does anyone have any stories about lawyers' courtroom tactics that t!

Question: Lawyers have the reputation for some pretty colourful courtroom tactics; does anyone have any stories they'd like to share about some lawyers' courtroom displays? The high profile publicly televised trials of the last decade bring several examples to mind.

I didn't phrase this qustion too well, as my chest is itching something awful this morning!

Answers: Lawyers have the reputation for some pretty colourful courtroom tactics; does anyone have any stories they'd like to share about some lawyers' courtroom displays? The high profile publicly televised trials of the last decade bring several examples to mind.

I didn't phrase this qustion too well, as my chest is itching something awful this morning!

It was one of those murder trials with no body (call her Jane Doe). The defense had been pretty much silent throughout the trial.

Finally at the end, the defense attorney is asked if he wants to call any witnesses.

"I'd like to call one rebuttal witness, Your Honor. I'd like to call Jane Doe, who's outside the courtroom waiting to testify."

The whole courtroom looked at the did the jury.

"Let the record show that the entire jury looked at the door when I announced Miss Doe...the supposed deceased in this case...was about to enter. That, Your Honor, is reasonable doubt."

The defendant walked.

I heard someone placed an egg salad sandwhich on a table and it had a considerable impact on the jury

I could talk for hours about our old ambulance chaser, he got me out of some bad situations

The first story that comes to mind involves "If the glove don't fit, you must acquit." If I think of anything else I'll come back and add some more...


When we were in a hearing for child support, my lawyer had it all figured out what the ex's child support should be. When the judge asked him if that was right he said (braggart that he is...)OH NO I MAKE WAY MORE THAN THAT!! To which Cindy (my lawyer) responded by throwing her pen in the air and saying, "Thank you, Mr. Sprenkle!!!" lol.

I have lots of stories about the lawyers who represented me on my necrophilia charges, but they are too long to go into.

YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Actually I sat on a jury once for 11 days and that dang woman kept sticking the pictures from the crime scene in our faces, and using the woman's given name repeatedly...My nerves were a wreck it was probably about 30 days afterward before I could eat properly and I still have dreams about those pictures and the corpse turning toward me tellin me her name--Im not cut out for that kind of stuff...

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