Is there "Proper" way to pick your nose at work or restaurants?!

Question: Reduced oxygen concentrations in the bloodstream can cause all sorts of infectious diseases. I make no apology for maintaining my health in public.

Answers: Reduced oxygen concentrations in the bloodstream can cause all sorts of infectious diseases. I make no apology for maintaining my health in public.

Discreetly, while no one's looking?

Yes, go to the bathroom and do it.


Excuse yourself to the restroom go into a stall and blow a way.

Use a three ply facial tissue, it's sanitary and you get out more snot than just your fingers.
Also, you don't end up causing nose bleeds the way you would with just your fingers.

You can do the old 'drop your fork and speed pick under the table'.

At work do it discreetly dear.

In restaurants have a good pick in public view and add salt and pepper.

any other condiments is a bonus.

With a tissue - it's excusable.

index finger

you have to scream out " hey look everybody! i have Jimmy Carter in my nose and i have to get him out!"

use your thumb, for some reason I don't think it looks as bad...

Yes, you MUST use your little finger. That's why it sticks up when you hold that tea cup.

I thought that's what the napkins were for?!!

with one hand over your nose and the other digging for treasure. Remember to flick it away being careful to not aim for someones elses table.

crawl under the table and do it there....that way you just have to reach up to "properly" dispose of it on the underside of said table.

It's best to use the pickle fork, which is small enough to get up inside most noses and do a really good cleaning job. Then, as the fork has a long, flexible handle, you can clean it and dispose of the unwanted excess with a flick of the wrist. It is considered good manners to try to help others avoid the resulting projectile by loudly exclaiming "Fork you!" as your flick it off.

sure...just hold the menu in front of your face....or at work...pretned ur reading an article...

dig inn!

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