Tell me three things?!

Question: you can see out of your window.

Answers: you can see out of your window.

houses,cars and my garden gate


Um snow, a deck, and trees lots of them.

my car
a tree
my neighbor's house

car tree bird

A woman walking her child, a young guy on his mobile and the best thing of all is that it's nice and sunny.

tree, grass, deck

An American flag, snow, and a bare tree

1) grey skies (typical midwest winter)
2) phone lines
3) trees with no leaves (typical midwest winter)

Oh, and Helga drinking coffee

A house, a van, and a tree. (upstairs window)


* A Rainbow
* A large tree
* That strange cat that sits on the car across the road and looks at me.

the house across the road, the sea and castle and blue skys

A tree, fence, and the neighbor's house

I see my deck, trees and a half frozen lake.


Palm trees, longan trees (they're like lychees) and mango trees. It's pretty dark right now though.

I'm in Borneo.

a ton of trees, not much grass, and dead leaves

Not is still dark.

Sorry no windows in my cave.....

dirt, grass and some old lady

the blind is closed so i can't see anything right now

the top of a roof trees and a mountain

trees, roofs, birds

orange tree, mini-van, neighbors dog

a new condo being built
some plants
my mailbox

cars, trees and oh what do i see there .. a girl... damn shes hot

Trees, cars and a person......


My neighbors window. My fence. Flowers.

The Castle wall
Lots of people on the Castle wall
A blackbird nibbling nuts in the garden...

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