Can short people be good basketball players?!

Question: Sure. While it is an advantage to have a couple of tall guys under the basket, it isn't a necessarily going to win the ballgame.
Our varsity team had a couple of guys that played forward and neither of them were over 5'6" and they could sink a basket about 90% of the time. Between their shooting ability and the other guys ability under the basket, they were champs like 3 years running. And the tallest guy was maybe 5'10".

Answers: Sure. While it is an advantage to have a couple of tall guys under the basket, it isn't a necessarily going to win the ballgame.
Our varsity team had a couple of guys that played forward and neither of them were over 5'6" and they could sink a basket about 90% of the time. Between their shooting ability and the other guys ability under the basket, they were champs like 3 years running. And the tallest guy was maybe 5'10".

of course>>> targetting matters the most!

definately, height doesn't determine what a person can do

not at all

Yes, you just have to be able to aim the ball high enough so that it actually goes in the net.

YES. If your a good shooter, there you go!

Yes, Spud Webb was only 5' 7"

Yes, there is a boy in my year that was the best in our class and he was only 5 '5''

yes. I am a small guy, and I shoot 3 point shots and make swishes. so, yeah. It's not ALL about height.

our school best basket ball player is short

Ask Spud Webb

I think so, some of the basketball players that are short or not as tall as the others, I think they are pretty good.
But some of them are pretty tall, Wow! lol =D

Of course they can

Spud Webb was only 5'7"
Earl Boykins is only 5'5"
Mugsy Bouges was only 5'3"



Yes. They can have good passes or run faster than most. Maybe even dunk. Your height doesn't determine what a persob can do.

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short ppl can bend double n den dribble fast n den it is very difficult 2 snatch the ball frm dem
then,they can pass the ball to a taller person in their team n score lots of baskets.

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