What's the value of a star?!

Question: Im new to the internet,what value is a star when youve asked a question?How do you get them?

Answers: Im new to the internet,what value is a star when youve asked a question?How do you get them?

*satisfaction that people like your queestions* :) *

If you have to ask, you'll never understand.

+ 1 to your pride :)

a star equals a pat to the back. you get them by asking good questions.

The stars have no point value, but it does mean that if someone gives you a star then they have found your question to be interesting. The more starts you get the more it means people find your questions interesting.

Nothing, no idea what it's for either

It means you're special.

haha people just star your question if they like it or find it interesting...

it has no value
but being a star....

Knowing that someone out there values your question :)

i think its like a pat on the back

you get it when you ask a good question

it means you ask good questions or that somebody finds your question interesting

It's like a pat on the back to you from the answerer...

Means someone likes your question

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