What would you start a RIOT for?!

Question: What would you start a RIOT for!?
a paramore concert!!! lol (their album is called riot if u didnt know)Www@Enter-QA@Com

Lower Taxes!!Www@Enter-QA@Com

True equality out of this mental box of money and slavery!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

The war in Iraq!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Id start it for quietWww@Enter-QA@Com

To get a new t!.v!.car,p!.c and loads of alcohol!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

To bring down the Tyson meat corporation!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

No reason at all!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

rodney kingWww@Enter-QA@Com

just for funWww@Enter-QA@Com

Gerard WayWww@Enter-QA@Com

the sake of itWww@Enter-QA@Com

nothing, riots dont solve anything!.!.!.!.

Animals rights are my big thing though!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Banning freedom of speech from school!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I would never!. I have lived through a few riots in my time!. They are horrible and despicable and scary!. I never did anything to anyone, how dare they blame me for their problems and not being able to let go of their ancient problems by terrorizing my neighborhood/home!. We must be able to control ourselves at all times!.

Peace ?Www@Enter-QA@Com


Whirled peezWww@Enter-QA@Com

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