Beeping and smearing things on tv?!


Beeping and smearing things on tv?

On tv shows where the F word is said, why do they bother to beep the word out, every time it's said? You know it's the F word, and you can hear what is being said.

When someone gives the middle finger on tv, why do they bother to bler the middle finger out. You can see that someone is giving someone the finger on tv, so what's the piont? I am not saying, that they shouldn't beep and smear things out on tv, but why do they do it? What is the point of it?


I think that it is done to protect children who have never seen anyone give the finger or anyone say the F word. If you haven't been around that sort of thing than the blur and beep keep you from it. But then again, you shouldn't be watching those shows if you are still too young to know what the F word or blur is meant for. So, personally, I don't see the point anyway especially if the show is not targeting children.

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