I am confussed about the continuity of the of CSI Miami plot?!


I am confussed about the continuity of the of CSI Miami plot?

Two nights ago I watched the Horatio Caine finally solve the case of his murdered brother Ray. Ray was shot by the boyfriend of his daughter.

However, last night I watched Ray die having been strug upsidedown and seemingly carved to death by a drug dealer. Does Horatio have two brothers, or was his brother murdered twice or is there a serious error of continuity?


Well, Raymond's daughter, Maddy, isn't old enough to have a boyfriend yet, since she's only about 5 or 6. Raymond had been "killed" by another undercover agent, and he had to disappear and let everyone believe he was dead. He surfaced and after H saved Ray Jr, he sent Raymond, Yelena, and Ray Jr to Brazil. After Marisol was killed and H and Delko went to Rio to catch her killer, Raymond really was killed, hung upside down and carved to death. So Raymond was presumed killed once and really killed later. Hope this helped.

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