Do you think that Sabra and Dominic like each other?!


Do you think that Sabra and Dominic like each other?

I was wondering if they do because their performances on So You Think You Can Dance always radiate sexual energy. And afterwards when the judges are critiquing them , they seem to always be touching each other. Especially Dominic. One time they found out they were safe and they rolled on the floor on top of each other.

And during their hip hop routine, Dominic seemed to stick his tongue out at her and be kissing her at the end. Plus, he always seems to be pulling her towards him and he actually kissed her shoulder when Cat was reciting their numbers.

Plus, Dominic and Sabra both had significant others and now on their myspace pages it says they are single.

Speaking of his GF, I heard on her myspace page, she has asked people to stop asking her about Sabra.

I personally think that they do and that he was just joking about liking Cat Deely. Because she is British isn't she. Not French.

Even Shane Sparks commented on their chemistry together.

What do you think?


oh my goodness, i was thinking the same exact thing. I believe that they do have something going on. This is mostly like when they are getting critique they are always rubbing each other and just this week Dominic especially kept on kissing her forehead and such. They have great chemistry together.. i dont know, I think something's there?

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