Does anyone know the name of this old TV movie from the 90s?? Please read!?!


Does anyone know the name of this old TV movie from the 90s?? Please read!?

There was this movie about a little girl who got murdered by her mother and was buried in a pink dress. The sisters had to turn in the mom and the trial required an exhumation of the baby's body. This in turn led to the pink dress that the adults remembered from the day of the funeral.

Does anyone remember the name?
The mother had murdered the baby at a hotel I believe, she was making too much noise? It was a REALLY good movie and I really don't remember what channel it was on. I was around 10 or so when it aired, but it was really -really- good.


i think i might've seen that movie idk.....but one thing i know is a movie that is really really good to you when your young is crap when you watch it again when your older.

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