Do they pick people random out of the audience for the singing bee?!


Do they pick people random out of the audience for the singing bee?

I was watching the Singing Bee last night and i couldn't tell if they picked the contestants randomly out of the audience, or if he already knew who he was picking. Please Help!

Thank You♥


No, there was a Casting Call posted on a few months ago, and people were supposed to send in tapes and applications to get on the show. Then the producers called select ones to come in for an interview style audition, and they picked the ones they wanted to go on the show. Those people were placed in the audience during the tapings so that it looks slightly more random to the home audience. If you want to "try out" for the show, I think you can go to the network's website and find out when and how they're taking more contestants.

Oh, and to the answerer before me: I think the reason it doesn't sound like your typical karaoke at the bar is because they don't let their contestants start drinking before they tape the show :)

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