Whats the most funniest joke you have ever heard?!


Whats the most funniest joke you have ever heard?


sorry its long, but its funny!

There is this old guy who just turned 65 and wants to apply for social security......

so he drives for an hour and arrives at the place where he needs to fill out the forms....

there he asks the woman at the desk, "I would like to obtain some social security forms."

She replies, "We have them here but we need proof that you are eligible for social security."

The man reaches into his back pocket and realizes that he doesnt have his wallet. He says, "Oh no! I must have forgot my wallet at home!"

The woman replies, "I'm sorry sir, but we need proof that you are the right age to recieve social security."

In desparation, the man lifts up his shirt and says, "Look at these hairs on my chest, I must be at least 65."

The woman felt bad for him, so she gave him the forms but he had to attach a copy of his drivers license with them.

When he got home, his wife asked how he got the forms, since he left his wallet in the kitchen.

He told her that he showed the lady the gray hairs on his chest, so she let him have the forms.

****The wife says, "Honey how can you be so stupid, you should have dropped your pants, you could have gotten disability!"

hope that made you laugh!!!!

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