Age of Love?!


Age of Love?

Who will win the show or Mark's heart?


We all think it will be Amanda, but if it will be Amanda, it will be just too obvious, boring, and predictable. I think there will be more shockers and I can't predict who it will be. I just hope it is not Jayanne because she has not been behaving very ladylike in the last few days!

Honestly, I am not attracted to this guy Mark. I don't like how he interacts with the women. He doesn't express a high level of interest.

If Mary gets kicked off, she needs to be put on suicide watch.

The show is fake as hell and they will probably set up unnatural parts of the journey to make everything more interesting. It's not like he has to marry the woman anyway.

Sorry to stray from your question, but I think Lynn is the most beautiful woman on the show. She was a natural and carried herself as a lady. Mark saw a shy uncomfortable woman. I saw a funny, sweet young woman. Wasn't she the one who joked with Mark when they were all climbing up the building during the first episode by saying "Mark..if you eliminate me, I'm gonna kick your butt!"???. Yea..whatever, I call that shy and uncomfortable!

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