LOST theories?!


LOST theories?

i love the show lost, but its getting really confusing.lets exchange theories. well me and my cousins think jacks dad is like the head of the new (or old) darma thing cus he was in like everyones flashback. jack, claire, saywer, ana lucia, and i forget who else. what do you think?


My sister came up with a theory about the season finale of season 2. In that episode, at the very end it shows two men in what appears to be the Arctic and they are shocked when things start beeping ect. Then they call Penny (Desmonds girlfriend). Well, my sister thinks(and I agree) that this was a flashforward. If you look closely at the men in the Arctic, one looks exactly like Jack. This could very well be him, searching for the island again because in the flash forward we just saw Jack was depressed and wished he were back on the island. It is possible that he teamed up with Penny, who is still searching for Desmond(who may have not gotten off the island) in order to find the island.

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