Days of our Lives: What are you fast-forwarding through?!


Days of our Lives: What are you fast-forwarding through?

Whenever I see the "Chelsea and Stephanie want to join a sorority" storyline come on, that's my queue to fast forward. Also, the fast forward button gets a workout with any Phillip/Belle scenes and Kayla/Steve scenes.

Answers: I agree with the John and Marlana thing, its gross when they get all lovey. I think John's eyebrow thing is so funny, I have to watch that. He's quiting though, he's not renewing his contract this time around. I always always ff it thru the Steve and Kayla scenes. I don't like the collage stuff to much but I'm giving it a shot. I definatly ff it through the whole Lucus and Kate spat they had in his car. There is nothing more and nothing new these people can say to each other right now. I to wish the story line would move off of the vandetta already and something fresh. Any time Lucas is on, college crowd or the airline story I fast forward. I want to keep it pause for Stefano always. well I dont record it so I cant fast forward but if I could then it would definatly be during John Black scenes! I am so damn tired of that "eyebrow thing" he does! Plus he and Marlena are the most overacting kissers I have ever seen! Also I would FF past just about every Steve and Kayla scene, they are pretty corny and disgusting too! def the chelsea scenes... but i come home for lunch to watch it.... can't ff! I ff the Chelsea/Stephanie college scenes and anything with Kayla now as they are getting boring.
I do wish they would finish this storyline about Stefano and the vendetta and start something fresh, but maybe I'm dreaming ahead. Perhaps this will be the story line for the next year or so? I watch it during airtime so I don't ff any of the show but I did do a lot of housework during the 'Touch the Thigh' story line. As I did with that storyline I will give the sorority story a chance before I start ignoring it. I'm not impressed so far but I see potential in certain areas. I would have to say the stupid Stphanie/Chelsea Sorority thing. And Kate- I am so glad that Lucas disowned her. Lets see how long that will last.

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