Does anyone watch the mtv show Engaged & Underage?!


Does anyone watch the mtv show Engaged & Underage?

If so what are your thoughts on it?

Answers: Yes, I love watching this show, but I haven't seen it on MTV in a while so I guess they are taking it away? Who knows.

I love this show mainly because everyone thinks that they are ready for marriage, but most of the time they're not. Most of the couples on the show of things that they need to work out before considering marriage. Fighting constantly over things isn't good for the relationship! I will admit, I am 19 and been with my boyfriend for 1 1/2 years and I'm ready for marriage. However, we dated once before and it got serious quick so he needed to back away. Now we are back together and ready for marriage, but we are willing to wait until I graduate college to make such a commitment. I just think that some couples need to set standards and not rush into everything so quickly. If I could I would probably get married right away because I know I'm with the right person, but I'm doing the right thing by waiting. They need to wait more than a year or two to make sure everything is okay. yes i've seen bits n pieces of a couple of episodes:: channel surfing... some of the couples have no idea what they're doing, and you can tell it'll be over even before it gets started... but then again there were others who looked so in love and so faithful, and I thought it was really sweet.. but yea to me, it's just another reality show lol its ok but some of them are just so not ready to be getting married ya i do. i thin its possible for one to be in love at a young age, however, i think marriage is a huge step and most of them are not ready fo it. I have watched it. I'm 25 and obviously over age and I've been with the same person for 10 years now. I can tell you that some of these kids are making a mistake. Its in my opinion that yes you can know that this is the person that you want to spend the rest of your life with but you really haven't experienced most of life yet. At 18 no one could tell me nothing because I thought I knew it all, but looking back now I see how wrong I was and how right everyone else was. If I could have a minute with these people I would tell them, wait till your at least 22. Get the parting out of your system BEFORE you settle down otherwise it could put a huge strain or your relationship. Go out and have fun with your friends now because when you get married and have kids some of them go away. Move in together before you get married and preferably for at least 6 months. Moving in with someone is a huge adjustment and you want to make sure that it will work after you have dealt with that. If they are in love and know that this is the person they want to be with forever then why rush it. It will come. I think these kids are foolish to get married so young. Most of them probably are divorced now. I've seen the show and I think that a few of the couples won't last very long at all. Marriage is a HUGE thing and it shouldn't be rushed or taken lightly. I got married young, I was 19 and then had my son just 5 months later. And no we didn't get married cause we were pregnant, we had been engaged and just moved the wedding up. Being that young and having a husband was difficult enough to get used to, then becoming a mom right away put even more strain on us. That and neither one of us had finished college so we were both in jobs that didn't pay much. No one thought we would last a year. We have been married 8 yrs now. I look at the couples on the show and I see my husband and I in a few of them. I wish I had waited to get married, gone through college, went out and partied a little more, maybe even lived on my own for a while. I think that everyone should do those things before they settle down and start a family. But I didn't and I don't regret getting married and starting my family so young, but looking back I was an IDIOT!!!!! What is the rush to get married? To prove that you are an adult and can make your own decisions?? Ok if ya wanna prove yourself as an adult then get an education, a job and your own apartment!! Don't just get married to do it, do it for the right reasons and if you love this person now and you want to be with them for the rest of your life then why can't you just wait another 3-5 years to do it?? I wish all the couples the best of luck! Marriage isn't easy, you really have to work on it and be willing to compromise. This is just my opinion, take it or leave it. guilty...

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