Simpsons vs Family Guy?!

Question: which do you prefer??? I think Family Guy is no competition for the simpsons.

Answers: which do you prefer??? I think Family Guy is no competition for the simpsons.

Simpsons is an original classic. Family guy is based on Simpsons. I'm all for the Simpsons.


I can appreciate the fact that Simpsons has been around longer and more of a classic - therefore some would put it over Family Guy.

However, after having watched several Simpsons episodes (and they were funny) I got more into Family Guy.

So - Family Guy.

I like Family Guy, but I still enjoy watching Simpsons episodes because there seems to be more continuity. Family guy is funny, but none of the shows really flow together, maybe that adds to the show.

F****** S-I-M-P-S-O-N-S

I agree Family Guy is much better than Simpsons any day

I appreciate both shows, and its not difficult to notice the striking similarities between the two (though I dont believe Family Guy is just an imitation of the Simpsons). I have to give the edge to Family Guy because its funnier and it pushes the envelope more than any other show on network TV.

Although Iike Family Guy their satire is just alright. There character always say "It was just like the time." It gets old after awhile. I like the Simpsons. I actually like Futurama better than Family Guy.


family guy of course

I vote for simpsons

I say the Simpsons but my pain in the *** brother says Family Guy.

well simpsons copies terminator 2

A lot of shows along this satirical comedy state copy each other. The Simpsons was the first major popular show along these lines, but some of it's material wasn't originated from The Simpsons.

Personally I like Family Guy more than The Simpsons right now, but I enjoy the first 5 or 6 seasons of The Simpsons a lot more than Family Guy. I just think The Simpsons had it's time of being hilarious and it's just dragging it on now. Honestly, I would prefer that they drop The Simpsons and make more of Futurama.

Simpson will always be better

The Simpsons

family guy is way better.

Both it is to hard to decide

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