On the episode of CSI, where Sara Sidle leaves CSI for good, does Hannah West ge!

Question: Hint: Hannah West, is a child genius.

Answers: Hint: Hannah West, is a child genius.

They didn't have enough concrete evidence to arrest her. All the finger prints and other evidence pointed to the brother. There was nothing to show a jury to prove it was her. However she does have to live the rest of her life knowing that she caused to only person she had left in her life take his own life.

I didn't even know Sara Sidle was leaving CSI for good..what ended up happening to her?

I don't think she was. The last scene with her showed her crying over her brother's suicide in prison. I'm actually glad Sarah is leaving, I never did like her character. That voice over with her reading her letter to Grissom had me rolling my eyes. They should have killed her off in the desert!

no...she did not ...they assumed her brother committed the crime based on the evidence and then he hanged himself.Sara told Hannah about her brother,she had a fit and now she has to live with the fact she drove her brother to kill himself to get away from her.

The little twerp is free to committ more murder and mayhem in her life. I have a feeling we will see her again...CSI never lets anyone get away for long.

No but her brother kills himself in jail . I think Hannah was in love with her brother that's the way it made it seem .

They never showed her getting arrested. Her last scene was sobbing over the picture of her brother hanging in his cell. They never imply that she was arrested, either.

It's classic CSI, with gusto! As a huge fan, too big of a fan at times... (thank god it's off-season for LOST!) and also contributor on some sites, I thought I'd throw my $.02 in on this one. Hannah did NOT get arrested on the show because it was all predicated on the basis of Marlon's murder. Furthermore, Sara buried the fact that Hannah embedded the tooth manually... only she and Grissom knew. Grissom's concern for Sara (on a supervisory level, initially at least) took center stage while this transpired. As un-Gris'-like as that seems, that's how it looked like it played out from this end. Either way, she skirted-off, more miserable than Sarah, "not getting any bigger," "but the world sure was..." Let it be said that Hannah and Marlon West are very symbolic characters in the CSI dynasty in several ways. First off, the open-ended, ambiguous ending suggested either yes, she was (way too easy, i.m.h.o.) or yes/no (more likely, allow me to explain). Yes/No means that she pulled another Marlon stunt; she somehow got the last laugh, or whisper in her case. Being the axis of Sidle's departure, Hannah not only stood for the straw that broke the camel's back (as Sidle was, by all practical and possible means, the beast of burden on the team, and I don't mean in the "let's let Greg stay on lab duty" sort of sense), but also [Hannah] stood for the rip-your-hair-out ambiguity of a select few episodes where all the answers just aren't laid right out. However, so subtlely suggested... (as was the case so many times previously), we'll see her again! Everyone else was. Ernie Dell, Paul Mullander, and even other (less memorable) characters... ref: pottery store robbery episode with lancet to open safe (recurring role of dual identity girl, etc.) In this case though, I'd say this is the last we'll see of Hannah West since her counterpart, Marlon, is gone. Then again, we JUST find out the real story at the very end... and, to boot, all this about 2 of, perhaps, some of the best villains of the show we'll ever see? Yet, I doubt my doubts. With the advent of Sidle's departure, this could be the start of something new with Hannah West (in the event she got away with it). Sara only seemed to get some sort of perverse, angry rage-vindication type of thing out of Hannah by showing her her brother's photo (with noose intact, mind you), so I think that's suggestive of a continuing story. It's up in the air. Note: These doubts I speak of are in reference to her being apprehended in-the-end, or something we the viewers don't see in an episode of the show.

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