Whats up with JANICE and RODDERS...??.. why do they get on so well..??!

Question: ..is it their mutual hatred of LYNNE...?

or like Marc & Cerys, have they caught a bit of Jungle fever

Answers: ..is it their mutual hatred of LYNNE...?

or like Marc & Cerys, have they caught a bit of Jungle fever

I have never ever liked Janice Dickinson, on any of her shows....that model thing with Tara where she is a guest judge, or that thing she done with Crouch's bird.....But I really really like her now, she is honest, tells it like it is....and is as fake as fcuk....but she knows it. I think Rodney likes her coz at the end of the day he is a cockney...and he tells it like it is too......(perhaps a little too much though sometimes).

I think it is their mutual hatred that does it. Lynne is so annoying though. I think Cerys and Marc will get together. I would love to be a fly on the wall when he gets out and comes face to face with the girlfriend tee hee.

Maybe he wants a piece of her ***.........................

Takes all sorts to make the world go round.

You've hit the nail on the thumb. He who hates my enemy is my friend. Good rule of thumb.

I think Rodders likes the fact that she is so forthright! She isn't backward in coming forward and you always know where you are with her.
Plus she always pulls faces when Lynn starts her chanting and stuff!
Janice is annoying but at the end of the day she isn't anywhere near as nasty, limelight stealing or downright selfish as Lynn. Rodders knows Janice hates her, so they have something in common.

It's definately the hatred of Lynne that has united them, but I doubt it will last. Rodney thinks he's intellectually above the women in there, but Janice is far from a fool and if he tries to make her into one, I think she'll go to town on him !! ............... can't wait !!

Rodders is tryna get people to turn their backs on Lynne, he said to Janice that she was the best one there and he likes her out of everyone else....he's a sneaky little runt....

are they doing a Janice and Rodders unleashed show.could be good.

They both do share the same disliked feelings for Lynne, but they get on with each other because they are both honest and say it as it is!

No calling a spade a shovel with these two!

I think it's the mutual loathing Lynn but I also think they are similar in some ways. Both are very outspoken and although Rodders is an unreconstructed male chauvinist he is not the only one of his age group. Janice is near enough his age to be used to that sort of thing so it doesn't seem to bother her. Lynn, on the other hand is humourless, smug and idiotic and that is why I think she rises every time. The fact that she is even closer to Rodney in age should make her able to either laugh at him or argue but instead she does either her Zen bit or her bitchy bit!

LOL no defo not jungle fever, i think it's their same sense of humour also the fact that theres a sort or respect between the two of them. I think its just conincidence that neither get on with Lynne. I suppose in those situations unlikely friendships arise due to the situation.

As for Marc and Cerys....what is he doing his poor girlfriend, yeah its good publicity especially if it'll be another Pete & Katie story but I doubt very much that people will warm to this relationship knowing his GF is on the outside and flown all the way over there to support him.....

Nah....he's just scared of her!......lol

He most likey fancies her lol she does not like Lynne so common bond as well.
Marc and Cerys watch this space more to come.

yeah what is that all about ?, not sure why really but i think its quite sweet , someone needs to like him i suppose lmfao

*shudders and grimaces*

Urgh just got this awful vision of those two getting down and dirty doing the jungle shuffle!
Sorry completely put me off my stroke can't possibly answer now! lol

i think you are so right they would probably get on in the outside world in there its just too close for comfort

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