Is House Of Payne The Worst Show On Television?!

Question: I don't think it's very funny! Opinions?

Answers: I don't think it's very funny! Opinions?

It's not the WORST but it is disappointing. Fans of Tyler Perry expected more from this show- I know I did, anyway... The only thing that could save it is more episodes with M'Dea.

I dont like it very much either

I dunno. My sister loves it and I saw a few episodes. I thought it was kind of funny. BUT there really are no good comedies on tv anymore. Like remember friends, seinfeld, fresh prince, etc? there's just nothing good anymore really

Seems kind of silly

i havent seen it but the commercials make it look extremely funny, my friend loves the show




'Deal or No Deal' is the worst.

Agreed, it's pretty hard on the eyes

I tried to watch it when it first came out but I was very disappointed with it. Didn't make me laugh at all.

Well there is always the option of going to another channel or actually opening a book and reading for a change of pace. Don't you have homework or the opportunity to join a club or two to exercise you brain and get away from stupid TV shows?? How about chores around the house?? TV is OK if it is NOT insulting YOUR intelligence-- stupid shows are an insult !!! Try the History Channel or Discovery--you might learn some cool stuff.

South Park


I love it!!!!!!!! It's so funny!!!!!!!!

i love house of payne... its not always funny but its good... i like how each episode has a lesson behind it.
i thought that it could have been a little better than it came out to be... espeially for tyler perry... i love his plays and has it ups and downs.

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