Does anyone remember this children's show?!

Question: It was from the mid '80's (of course it could've started earlier). It was usually just one of those shorts that came on with Sesame Street or something. It started with a cartoon little boy walking down the street with a piece of chalk with the theme music playing. If I remember correctly, he would stop in front of a wall and draw a picture. That's what would start the show. Anyone remember what this was? I seem to remember the boy's name might've been Simon?

Answers: It was from the mid '80's (of course it could've started earlier). It was usually just one of those shorts that came on with Sesame Street or something. It started with a cartoon little boy walking down the street with a piece of chalk with the theme music playing. If I remember correctly, he would stop in front of a wall and draw a picture. That's what would start the show. Anyone remember what this was? I seem to remember the boy's name might've been Simon?

"Well you know my name is Simon, and the dreams I draw come true. Oh please go take me take me take me climb a ladder with you"

Simon in the Land of Chalk Drawings

youtube clips

Mike Myers used to do a take off of Simon on Saturday Night Live. You can see these on Youtube.

no can't remember it.. but whatever happened to Gumbi?, I miss that guy...

7th heaven

I think what you are talking about is "Harold and the Purple Crayon". My children have books about him.

Wow...I do remember that...just can't be sure of the name.... Simon in the Land of Chalk Drawings? I think it was on Captain Kangaroo...

The New Zoo Revue..

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