Do you watch Dr.Phil please let me know what you think?!

Question: i feel that he has changed alot.
he seems like he gets all mad when someone doesn't say the right thing to him. Also he acts like someone is trying disrespect him .''HELLO'' they are there because they have problems and need help.''THERE'S THE DOOR''!HE ALWAYS SHOUTS!
He is so like one sided too doesn't he know that someone maybe the quiet because they are trying to put up a front?i mean i know he is all about solution but man let both sides tell the stories and don't pick a side.what do you think.

Answers: i feel that he has changed alot.
he seems like he gets all mad when someone doesn't say the right thing to him. Also he acts like someone is trying disrespect him .''HELLO'' they are there because they have problems and need help.''THERE'S THE DOOR''!HE ALWAYS SHOUTS!
He is so like one sided too doesn't he know that someone maybe the quiet because they are trying to put up a front?i mean i know he is all about solution but man let both sides tell the stories and don't pick a side.what do you think.

he is a dick!!!!!!!!

I think he is opinionated but you can't take an attitude with him he likes to be in control, but I really like him, I have lost total interest in Oprah...

He is just TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO personal & and always speaks before he uses his damn mind:(

It is TV, how interesting would he be if he was all diplomatic and calm. People like to see action and confrontation on TV and he produces alot of both!!

I am personally a counselor and am not a fan of his show...his books are a bit better and he does have good points (like being solution focused when dealing with a problem and not victimizing yourself) BUTall and all hes a bit over the top for me.

sometimes it is like pulling teeth to get someone to rise up and spit out for whatever has been hidden or bothering them for lengthy amounts of time or have never talked about it. He can sense alot of underlying issues that the audience doesn't see and is trying to use certain tactics to have them completely unload. Also I think he is letting them know if you are not serious don't waste my time, because he is serious about what he does. now this is just my opinion

I tape his show every day....but I usually delete it without watching it.

You're right....he's become very self-righteous and it's become all about him being right.

I think I'm going to stop taping him.

I'm actually really glad that he puts his two sense in like he does. Yes, he sometimes becomes over-eccentric, but I feel like that's for TV anyways. Without him jumping in from time to time...we'd have another Jerry Springer.

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