Was anyone else laughing ...(im a celeb)?!

Question: their spelling was appauling
gemma was hilarious

Answers: their spelling was appauling
gemma was hilarious

i was laughing at what janice said i have dictionary's in all my loos come on how many people have a dictionary in the house let alone in there loo

I was laughing! But it was a laugh of impatience!!!

yep : )

lol my goat could do better

that was funny and J I'm very good at spelling as i write songs and poetry how funny was that, they are eating chocolate and he was doing crunches ha ha

i was crying...how can people b called celebs for doing nothing...there are loads of honest hard working real life celebs who never get the praise they deserve...slowly but surely, we r all turning into a nation of...dare i say it....jade goody's...or howeva u spell it

lmao my kids can spell better than them pmsl at j so funny

I couldn't believe that they couldn't spell the easiest of words. It was so funny, the way they were sure they had spelt them right, and actually they'd screwed them up.

it was HILARIOS! gemma is so dumb! I laughed until i barfed!!! Celebs? I think not.

Yeah it woz pritte bad

im still laughing at you . did you spell appalling wrongly on purpose?

is crap spelt ker ar aye pur.?

Derrrr fink their brains urt!

lmao at gemmas alphabet!!! :)

dec was hilarious doing it too!!!!

OMG how thick was Gemma, Janice was soooooooo funny, "I have a dictionary in every room in my house, and learn 10 new words a day" Well what words is she learning, thats what I want to know! PMSL

that was so funny. j must be so embarrassed after spouting all that about his spelling being brilliant then being the only one who did not get 6. it was hilarious.

I did laugh at that, particularly over Gemma. J came a cropper too after his ridiculous boasting.

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