Tom and Jerry or Sylvester and Tweety Pie?!

Question: I just watched Tom and Jerry with my grandson and forgot how brilliant it was

Answers: I just watched Tom and Jerry with my grandson and forgot how brilliant it was

Tom and Jerry's the best - I've watched hundreds with my grandaughter, i think she's addicted

Sylvester and Tweetie for me the humour has a bit more depth.

We absolutly love Tom and Jerry in our house!! My six year old watches the re-runs constantly!

Oh gee, I love them both!

tom n jerry all the way

I have to say Sylvester and Tweety as I love Tweety so may be a biased answer I have a Tweety Pie tattoo on my Shoulder .

Tom & Jerry better than Sylvester and Tweety.
But Road Runner and Wile E Coyote better than both of them.

Tom and Jerry

Just to be different I'm going to say Mr Jinks and Pixie & Dixie.

"I hate those meeces to pieces!"

Sylvester & tweety its a classic

well it`s a toss up I`m 63 today and I love both cartoons If I could I would love to be able to be an animator so I think I would vote both are superb and equally brilliant

I always hated Jerry and Tweetie Pie. I always felt sorry for Tom and Sylvester.

Sylvester and Tweety Pie fer sure

tom and jerry is good too but i absolutely adore sylvester and tweety

I liked both growing up, but if I had to pick one, it would be Tom and Jerry. They actually got along sometimes unlike S and T. And the shows weren't always as predictible. (even for a kid) I do admit, Twetty made me laugh more though. He had good one-liners.

Sylvester and Tweety Pie - by a slight edge

Tom and Jerry... has been a favorite of mine ever since I was small.

Umm... thats hard... I love tweety and I love Jerry.. Im gonna have to say Tom and Jerry. It is quite funny once you watch it!

Tom and Jerry i love dis cartoon

Tom and Jerry.

I liked Sylvester and Tweety Bird because I enjoyed conversation and found Tom and Jerry boring when I was a kid. But now as an adult I agree that was brilliant. And I actually kinda felt sorry for Tom because Jerry ALWAYS outsmarted him. Now with Sylvester and Tweety I was a Tweety fan because Sylvester was just downright wicked:)

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