Does anyone else think that last season's ANTM winner Jaslene was ugly as si!

Question: I think she must have been a Male to Female Transexual. There is no way she is a woman. Absolutely no possible way.

Answers: I think she must have been a Male to Female Transexual. There is no way she is a woman. Absolutely no possible way.

that's mean.
when you have a model-like structure; ask that question again.

We'll be the judge of that!
And just as "Goober" said, your attitude's ugly as sin.
Way to go "Goober"!

If anything's ugly as sin, it's your attitude.

No way! Jaslene has a ton of charisma & personality that's her asset. If you think you are such a ANTM candidate then audition.

i think she is really pretty. jealousy is ugly, you know?

I agree! She does not have a great voice and she thinks she is wonderful!

Shes not ugly!!

Thats just mean!!

i think she was attractive, but when she opens her mouth....that's a different story!!!
she has a thick accent and a lisp!!!
everytime she does my life as a covergirl, i feel i have to turn on the close caption on my tv to understand what she is saying. it's brutal!

I think that if you were better looking than Jaslene you would not be waisting your time asking stupid questions!! And yes Jaslene has a strong accent because English is her second language, and i bet those who criticize her cannot even speak english correctly. so stop hating

I think that too! Haha, I think Natasha did a much better job, her pictures were much better, althought I didn't like Natasha's shakey voice, but she beat Jaslene by FAR! I honestly just think that the producers wanted a Latina to win so bad, so they chose Jaslene. Don't get me wrong, I'm Latina too but when you compare the both of them, Natasha was much more creative in her pictures, and Jaslene looks ugly as heck!

No, I don't think Jaslene is ugly. She may look like a drag queen at times, but she's very striking. It sounds like you're jealous. Maybe you should audition for the next cycle of ANTM since you think you're better looking. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Amen. You have officially become my new best friend. I honestly could care less who won on that show as long as it wasn't jaslene. And guess who won...

i don't think she all that great looking either but if you think your so beautiful how come you weren't on the show missy?

your saying that because you only saw her in stupid costumes, and without her hair done. if it were you like that you'd look like crap too.

look at her with her hair done and a nice gown so you can see, she is hot!

Yes, she is dam ugly!!! I really hope Natasha win it!!

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