I love new york, do you think sister Patterson is a hypocrite?!

Question: I mean she says she is a christian and lives by the bible, but she is basically pimping her daughter to all those strange men on the show. She constantly curses, lies, and always thinks she is right! I know no one is perfect but damn, why does she have to act like that all the time?

Answers: I mean she says she is a christian and lives by the bible, but she is basically pimping her daughter to all those strange men on the show. She constantly curses, lies, and always thinks she is right! I know no one is perfect but damn, why does she have to act like that all the time?

total hypocrite and a bi*** too! She and her daughter are trash and believe everything that they say! I cant stand women like that and they need to grow the f*** up!
New York made a comment saying that when her mother is wrong she is still right. WTF? I mean c'mon now! Like mother like daughter right?

New York is sometimes like that too.. :P

its fake

Yes, I do think that she is a hypocrite. She gets on my nerves most of the time, because she thinks she is so much better than anyone and looks down upon people. She makes judgments of people and doesn't mind voicing them even if they are hurtful. I keep laughing because I was watching the reruns of Flava of Love and she kept calling NY fat in the episode, but since then sister Patterson has put on some weight. I wonder what she is thinking when she watches that.

yes she is such a trip! Why does she say things and turn around and do it? She is so low on the class list of human beings! I have no respect for her or her trashy daughter!

I know, she reminds me of my ex-wife, talkin' but not saying nothin'.

absolutely! and is it just me or does she look like that half horse -half man thing from clash of the titans?

Thank you for saying that. I thought I was the only who thought that. She is a pimp. She walks around pointing out other people's flaws and telling them what they need to do. She is trippin. For one she needs to step back and realize that he she has more issues than the New York Times for real. I think the reason she hates The Entertainer so much is because she wants him and she knows she can;t have him. Plus (this is my opinion) I think she looks like the mother off the Adams Family.

Absolutely. She needs to just get on her broom and fly away.

I think she's nuts. I could not handle putting up with that in my life.

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