Can someone please fill in some One Life to Live blanks for me?!

Question: I can remember a long time ago, Max and (I think) Luna? had twins. One boy, one girl (if I remember correctly). Now, if my memory serves me right, both twins ended up with a hearing impairment (or at least one of them did). Can someone please tell me more about these twins and whatever happened to them? In later years, leading up to the time that Gabby died and Max left for Argentina, the twins stopped being talked about at all. Not even their names were mentioned and I'm curious as to what happened.

Answers: I can remember a long time ago, Max and (I think) Luna? had twins. One boy, one girl (if I remember correctly). Now, if my memory serves me right, both twins ended up with a hearing impairment (or at least one of them did). Can someone please tell me more about these twins and whatever happened to them? In later years, leading up to the time that Gabby died and Max left for Argentina, the twins stopped being talked about at all. Not even their names were mentioned and I'm curious as to what happened.

Luna gave birth to twins Leslie and Frank - Frank ended up being deaf, Leslie was fine. The went to go live with Luna's family because of all the violence in Landview. Right after Al died, Max got all depressed and left town to be closer to them.

When Al died of liver failure in the fall of 2003, Max took the advice of Luna's spirit, and left Llanview to be with their twins Frank and Leslie in North Carolina. Max returned in August 2007 for the funeral of Asa Buchanan, and revealed that he, Frank and Leslie were all living in Gabrielle's home country of Argentina.

I thought they went to a relative of Luna's in North Carolina.

I don't remember Cord and Luna having twins. Or Cord having twins with any of his wives-Tina or Gabby- but Tina and Cord had two kids- CJ and Sarah. I don't think they were twins, though. And Cord had another son named Al. The person who played Al is was the same person who played Michael McBain before being booted off the show-again for his temper.
You can get the info on Nathan M. at

Frank and Leslie were their names but only the boy was deaf. They went to live in Kentucky to live with Luna's family but when Gabrielle died Max returned for his twins and took them to Argentina with him. He did mention them at Asa's funeral, he said they were at home in Argentina and were doing well.

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