Liz and patrick today ugh?!?!

Question: what right does liz have to walk up to patrick and go off on him like that? doesnt she have her own probs, why get involved in other ppl's dramas? she was rude and out of place talking to patrick like that. i wanted to slap her. patrick is not her friend she had no right to say anything to him. she can advise robin all she wants they are friends but she was wrong to say anything to patrick and what right does she have to judge anyone. she is in love with a known murderer who is the father of her son but she keeps denying him a proper relationship with his child. her attitude pisses me off. neither she or robin has the right to force a baby on a man who doesnt want to be a father. patrick is not a horrible person for wanting to focus on himself for the time being. he is not a horrible person because he doesnt want to be a father. robin is a drama queen and very high matenance. and liz is a no good busy body who should get off her high horse and drop off the face of port charles

Answers: what right does liz have to walk up to patrick and go off on him like that? doesnt she have her own probs, why get involved in other ppl's dramas? she was rude and out of place talking to patrick like that. i wanted to slap her. patrick is not her friend she had no right to say anything to him. she can advise robin all she wants they are friends but she was wrong to say anything to patrick and what right does she have to judge anyone. she is in love with a known murderer who is the father of her son but she keeps denying him a proper relationship with his child. her attitude pisses me off. neither she or robin has the right to force a baby on a man who doesnt want to be a father. patrick is not a horrible person for wanting to focus on himself for the time being. he is not a horrible person because he doesnt want to be a father. robin is a drama queen and very high matenance. and liz is a no good busy body who should get off her high horse and drop off the face of port charles

I'm a Liz fan but I agree that it was not her place to go off on Patrick like that. I'm on Patrick's side. If he doesn't want to have a child that's his own business. What right do they have to call him a coward because he doesn't want to be a father. I'm all for Robin having a baby as long as she finds the right person to share that experience with. She'll make a wonderful mother.

lol wish I was that into a television show


I agree completely. It's selfish of Robyn to even think it's right to push a man into having a child she knows deep down that he doesn't want. Is that fair to the child? NO...She keeps saying that she wants to move on. Welll move on already, maybe another trip to Paris would help her out. And it nauseates me to watch LIz never mind talk about her..

It was humorous to say the least, but cut her some slack, she was drunk and upset about her own situation and took it out on him. She was right though!

You know, I actually hate Liz with a passion (Sam fan), but she was right. Patrick is stupid to give up the chance at love over a baby. He might not be ready now, but in a couple of years: who knows?? Love is hard to find and since he found it he should hold onto it. Dont get me wrong: I still hate liz, but for a few seconds she found her spine and I was glad. Jason & Jake deserve much better than her. Also I read in a spoiler that Jason's gonna donate sperm for Robin and Patrick is going to switch it for his. :)

i love liz. she had a few to many drinks and she had so much on her mind. and in one sence she was taking up for robin but in the same sence she was taking out a little bit of anger about her situation on patrick. but she was right. patrick and robin love each other so much, he should give fatherhood a chance with robin. he would so regret the chance to be with robin if something were to happen to her. and again as for liz, she may have been drunk, they all were. but she stood up for her friend and that is what friends do. and robin wasnt upset about it all!

Ummm wasnt she drunk? Dont most people shoot off the mouth when they are drunk?

She was supposed to be drunk although it was kind of bad drunk acting. Leyla's drunk acting was even worse--YIKES!!! But, yeah, when people are drinking and have issues of their own, they tend to run off at the mouth. Not everyone, but many. Liz wants Jason to be in Jake's life but knows that Jason's life is dangerous. If her son can't be with him, then neither can she. She isn't going to choose a man over her child. Jason wants Jake to have a normal childhood so he agreed it was the best choice, however, it is a soap and things will change, then change again because nothing lasts on soaps!!

I hate Liz and so it was no surprise to me when she acted like that. She is a crazy B*tch. I do like Robin. I wish Patrick would have wanted a baby but understand why he doesn't.

The quicker they kill-off Liz (so she can join her fellow crappy-acting friend Emily), the better off GH will be!!!!!!!!'s called liquid courage. I know many times that I've said things in a drunk stuper that I'd never have the balls to say when I'm sober. Liz is my least favorite GH character but she spoke from her heart this time, unfortunately for Patrick the truth hurts.
I agree that Patrick shouldn't be forced into fatherhood but I don't think Robin's trying to trap him. She feels, as do I, that he would make a very good dad. Maybe he just lacks the courage and self esteem to try. I mean really, who's ever ready for that 1st kid? It's scary for both moms and dads.

OMgeezzz-I am so sick of that whole "i wanna have a baby" storyline. I can not stand Patrick and that whiney whimpy Robin is getting on my nerves too!!!!!!! that whole scene today was just plain stupid...

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