Was Star Trek the motion picture the first Star Trek where Klingons actually spo!

Question: Also what is the deal with the DS9 explanation of Wharf saying that the reason Klingons didn't have ridges on their foreheads earlier on was something personal that they didn't share with outsiders and right in Star Trek: Enterprise (a chronological predecessor to TOS) the Klingons have ridges on their foreheads again?

Answers: Also what is the deal with the DS9 explanation of Wharf saying that the reason Klingons didn't have ridges on their foreheads earlier on was something personal that they didn't share with outsiders and right in Star Trek: Enterprise (a chronological predecessor to TOS) the Klingons have ridges on their foreheads again?


The Klingon ridges was retconed after ST: DS9 mentioned it was a personal matter of Klingon past, as mentioned by Worf.

In ST: Enterprise, the Augments (genetically enhanced humans) defeated the crew of a Klingon bird of prey. The Klingon decided to create their own Augments and used human DNA, but ended up created a deadly virus that was killing millions of Klingons.

A cure was eventually found, but not before permanent scars left many Klingons with less pronounced ridges and more human-like features.

Although it was an interesting storyline, I thought the whole thing was kinda unnecessary. They should have just left it alone and NOT made such an issue of it.

It'd be the same for the Vulcans and Romulans who also went a change in appearance since ST: TOS and the later ST series. No explanation was ever given, and no explanation was ever needed.

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