Kenan n kel shows are recorded live with studio audience.when they change scene !

Question: when they are showing the scene at the grocery stres when they change to kenan's hse how do they do it so quickly when the audiece are actaully enjoying the show?have any1 been there live.can you tell me how is the set up?..thanks

Answers: when they are showing the scene at the grocery stres when they change to kenan's hse how do they do it so quickly when the audiece are actaully enjoying the show?have any1 been there live.can you tell me how is the set up?..thanks

You hit the nail right on the head... "RECORDED live." That is, K&K's show is not like Saturday Night Live, which is a 90-minute live program performed in 90 real-time minutes. K&K's 30-minute show probably takes 60-90 minutes to perform and record. Then the tape is edited into the 30-minute format.

This extra time allows for make-up and costume changes, repositioning of video and audio equipment, etc.

Show staff (and sometimes cast) members come out to entertain the audience while this technical stuff is going on. They may chat with folks, give out door prizes, that sort of thing.

Television production can be a Very Long and Boring live experience. And in the case of Feature Films... VERY Boring. Ah, the price of "art."

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