Does anyone know when 24 is coming back?!

Question: Is it coming back or will it not because of the writer strike? thank you.

Answers: Is it coming back or will it not because of the writer strike? thank you.

It's coming bac, but no one knows when. Fox postponed it in November due to the writers stike :( was actually supposed to be on this Sunday *sigh*. I have faith it will be back soon and we'll see our if only the writers and the studios would sit down and get this darn strike over with!!

If it ends soon, I really believe Fox will scramble to get it on the air, there's 8 episodes already filmed and be ready to shown and I read an old interview with Kiefer the other day that says they only have about 6 shows written ahead, so it's truly possible if the stike ends quick..Jack will be back saving the world in no time!

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