Does Bill Moher give you hope?!

Question: Does he give you hope that you too could get you own show on tv?
Because the standards are obviously VERY LOW!
I have tried to watch the guy a couple of times and just cant make it to the end of the program without wanting to throw the remote at him.
I watched Letterman one night thinking, ok, the guy is just being synical on his program and catering to his audience, but he was an uneducated moron on there too.
Has anyone ever seen him in a setting where he wasnt obviously um rationally challenged?

Answers: Does he give you hope that you too could get you own show on tv?
Because the standards are obviously VERY LOW!
I have tried to watch the guy a couple of times and just cant make it to the end of the program without wanting to throw the remote at him.
I watched Letterman one night thinking, ok, the guy is just being synical on his program and catering to his audience, but he was an uneducated moron on there too.
Has anyone ever seen him in a setting where he wasnt obviously um rationally challenged?

actually, i think you're right. he only appeals to a certain breed of people; those, i feel,who want to be informed by talk shows, gossip papers, and other propaganda. the guy never feels he's wrong. what do we expect though, his show comes on very,very late, when most of us are a bit tired.

Hope? No.
Migraine? Yes.

Does he give me hope? No. But his show is entertaining, funny, and occasionally makes a good point. What REALLY makes me sick are the O'Reilly Factor and Glen Beck.

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