Question about Scott Baios baby?!

Question: How come the babys name is Bailey DeLuca when mom's last name is Sloan and dad is Baio? I read this on a website and wonder where DeLuca comes from is this a maiden name of mom or what?

Answers: How come the babys name is Bailey DeLuca when mom's last name is Sloan and dad is Baio? I read this on a website and wonder where DeLuca comes from is this a maiden name of mom or what?

I saw them in an interview on tv. Her name is Bailey DeLuca Baio, DeLuca is her middle name. Scott said that is his mom's maiden name.

I'm not sure, I don't keep up to date on this show. He acts so childish. DeLuca might be the babies middle name.

Its from the guy who really got her pregnant.Baio had a vasectomy before last years show.....

I think that's just a rumoured name. According to what he said on Ellen, his contract with VH1 about the show stated that the baby's name would be revealed on the show (meaning it would be aired) so they have been keeping it from the public, it's not even his profile. So I don't think that's the real name.

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