Did the TV show Gilmore Girls condone slutty behavior?!

Question: Rory sure was sleeping around a lot. Would you as a mother want your teenage daughter looking up to Rory?

Answers: Rory sure was sleeping around a lot. Would you as a mother want your teenage daughter looking up to Rory?

As a mother, I would like nothing more. Rory is a well-rounded, smart girl who is not afraid to express her opinions, yet takes everyone else's into consideration as well. I don't see why you would say she slept around. The show was on for years and I can only remember two guys she slept with. While I'm not crazy about the circumstances in which she lost her virginity, all kids do things that may not be in the best judgment. In short, if my daughter turned out exactly like Rory, I'd have absolutely no complaints (except for maybe that year that we didn't talk and she moved in with my mother).

rory was the daughter!



wats up with your icon??

Did you watch the show or just make up opinions by watching the previews. Nice avator too, moron

She slept with Dean (a.k.a the married guy) becuase she still loved him. he was her first love. plus the marriage was already over. not that that is a good excuse. Gilmore girls was one of the best shows ever made!

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