
Question: Why is carley so mean to sam and liz? she jealous cuz they were to able to have a realtionship with jason or what

Answers: Why is carley so mean to sam and liz? she jealous cuz they were to able to have a realtionship with jason or what

i think Carly just wants to be the ONLY WOMAN in Port Charles....she's got issues with pretty much anybody that wears a bra on that show....she's even had issues w/family members!!
Geez Carly--take a pill you crazy b * tch!! LMAO

She's jealous of all the women he loves, she thinks they're not good enough for him..

She is jealous bc I think she still loves Jason. She was jealous of Sam bc she knew that Sam is Jason's true love. And Jiz bc Jason knocked her up.

I don't think she has a lot of beef with SAM than she does with Elizabeth. Carly just can't stand Elizabeth at all. She will tolerate SAM though. Because she was once involved with jason. Carly hates Elizabeth more than SAM. Because Elizabeth is keeping Jake away from jason wit her lies and deceit.

Yes, she hates every woman that comes around Jason. In Liz's case I think she realizes Liz is a better person than her.

You can tell Carly loves Jason and wishes they were a couple. Yes he is her best friend but you can tell she likes him as more then that. She has hated every girl that he has been with except Courtney. She was her best friend but I also think that if it was not the fact she was Sonny's sister she would have not been her best friend and hated her also. She has a reason for everyone she hates. And the fact that Jason and Sam were so in love she hated that and now that Liz has a child with him and not her. That kills her. Plus Liz has the role of "perfection" and Carly hates that. I love Carly though. Plus Sam did sleep with Sonny as well and have a child (who passed away) with him. And Jax was having Liz carry his child. Just little things also add up. Guys she cares about seem to have a past with them. But then again Carly hates everyone most the time and is mean to everyone. LOL but she is my fav.

Carly has never gotten along with any of the women in Jason's life, except maybe Courtney, but that was Sonny's sister. Any woman in Jason's life means less attention for her.

Carly thinks no one is good enough for Jason and I have no idea why she's no better than them. I think she should spend a little more time worrying about her own life and husband tham Jason's

She likes no women connected to Sonny or Jason except for Courtney because she is a spoiled brat. I like her but she drives me crazy when she tries to control Jason's life. She needs to stay out of his bussiness and lead her own life with Jax. Just because she says Jason is her best friend doesn't mean she has the right to do the things she does.

Carly is jealous of anyone who gets in Jason's life.

it's true what other people say, u go near Jason, u become carly's enemy. I remember when she used to get along with sam when Jasam still existed. She never liked liz though,I don't blame her for that. Liz can be full of crap sometimes and she IS keeping Jason from his son. she claims to love him, yet she can't even brave the circumstances and be with him. I'm rambling..hope I've answered ur question.

No Carly is mean to almost every one Robin, Sam, Elizabeth, Kate,Alexis just because she can that's her characters attitude. I love her. Jason is her best friend and she dosen't want anyone to hurt him.

If Courtney hadn't been Sonny's sister I think Carly would have eventually hated her to. She likes to control Jasons life and hates any one who may take his attention away from her.

It's simple, she doesn't want any women beside herself with Jason.

Carly is very possessive. Especially with Jason. And Sam slept with Sonny and got pregnant with his baby. She actually wasn't that mean to Sam towards the end of Jason and Sam together. She was actually trying to get them back together. She doesn't like Liz because she thinks Liz will make Jason unhappy by asking that he change his liffe for her. And Carly feels Jason shouldnt have to change for anyone. And then Liz convinced Jason to deny his son.

because she's like to have the men that she loves all to herself and she views them as a threat to the time she could have with him.

Carly dislikes both Sam and Liz with a passion. In Carly's opinion, Sam's a no good gold digging bit(h, bear in mind Sam was the woman that Sonny dumped Carly for and that's one reason why Carly wound up with Lorenzo and Liz is a big hypocrite and a user and abuser in Carly's opinion; bear in mind that Liz was not a goody goody in the very beginning, she was a bad girl. There was one match that Carly approved of and that was Jason/Courtney relationship.

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