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Question: Who did you want to leave The House Wednesday Night??
>>>Matt or Ryan<<<
tell us who you wanted to leave and who you wanted to stay<<also WHY???

Answers: Who did you want to leave The House Wednesday Night??
>>>Matt or Ryan<<<
tell us who you wanted to leave and who you wanted to stay<<also WHY???

Waaa...waaa..snif..sob..cry....BLOW YOUR NOSE Matty!
Matty is a bigger cry baby than my baby. I'm so glad that he's gone. "can you wave bye-bye Matty?"

I hope Nat gets over this guy because he is going to crush her moral and her self-confidence.

I hope some how, some way BB gets Alex back in.
Now that's a HOT-TY!!! some one get me some

I am glad Matty left!!
He was just using Nat the whole time and she was falling hard for him and he could care less about her.
Now the next person I wanted gone is Adam but that wont happen this week cuz he is HOH. Reason why I want him gone is cuz he is just strange and he really made me mad when he talked about the children he worked with.

I'm glad Matt left!! He was a true liar and incredibly mean and nasty to Natalie- I'm no fan of hers- she is annoying, but NO ONE deserves to be treated like he treats her! ALSO- they are playing as singles, and as long as he was in there- Natalie would have hung herself for him- (ha, no pun intended!) and he had an unfair advantage. He is a hotttt guy- but thought that hotness would take him all of the way. It bothers me that he could lie so easily- makes me wonder about what goes on in his real life! buh-bye, Matty, ol boy!

Matt already left which I am glad he did, I didn't really like him.

well, as far as drama on the show, i wanted matt to stay at first. then he started pouting and crying and i was like, um, get out! man up, son!! i think the house/james did the right thing to get him out.
i really thought matt was tougher than that. he cried as much as natalie did!
he did bring up valid points about ryan in last night's episode. hopefully, with ryan staying, he will trun really sneaky and turn this game around...again! :)

I'm glad Matt left too. He was just lying and using Natalie. I can't believe she continued to drool all over him and insist he is her soul mate when he treated her so badly.

Adam did lose his job over the comments he made about the children with autism who he worked with. Kudos goes to the school for firing him! I'm rooting for him to go next but since he won HOH looks like we'll have to wait till next week. He is totally weird and really creepy!

Matt because he was a player from the start and a liar. I mean...they all lie, but he wasnt even good at it. Pathetic that he was crying on tv and everything. Good riddance!

I am so PO'ed that Matty left !!!
He was truthful and sincere about alot of things- unlike the other so-called hyprocrites in the house.
He told Nat that they were just friends and prefered it that way- sure he lied to others in the GAME, and that's all it is just a GAME!!!!!!!!
I used to like James and Chelsia,
Josh and Sharon but now I can see what morons they really are....atleast Matt and the others told it like it was, not like those other sneaky but- wipes.....they make me hurl !!!
And I hope Sheila, Ryan, or Nat wins the half mil....
and I want and hope the others go !!!!!!

I think they will be sorry that Ryan stayed, especially with Adam being the new HOH, did you see James' face when Adam won. I was James gone, I can't stand him!

I'm glad Matt left. I was sick of his lying and whining. I'm also getting sick of Nat, but that's mainly because she's such a doormat for Matt. At first I hoped they'd kick her off next and just let her go live with Matt since she evidently likes the abuse! Now I'm willing to give her a chance without Matt there and see if she starts playing the game for herself.

I knew it was going to be Matt.

It made no difference to the numbers who went home.

I was hoping it would be James because I don't like his game play of Joshua's for that matter.

I have a funny feeling that they could be a couple.

Yes they are both bisexuals and Chelsea may be as well. She seems to be.

None of that has anything to do with their game play accept that I think they are using Chelsea to cover their relationship.

I imagine it is kay in that she is trying to manipulate them like pawns to do all her dirty work as is Sharon.

But back to Matt and Ryan. Ryan will team up with Natalie and Sheila and help vote out one othe the other four, hopefully James or Joshua.

Matt will get a week to himself to think about what he did wrong before having to spend a week with one of the two liars that evicted him.

BTW, James' good bye message was so bad they could not air it on television as he later revealed to his friends.

I was very glad to see Matt go. He ran around in tears saying he didn't want to be alone on his birthday. BOO HOO !! Seems he's forgotten he lied about being the 3rd vote against James coming back last week. I was sick to death of his attitude..

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