LOST - Did anyone else notice (about Jin)...?!

Question: I finally watched last week's episode today. Did anyone else notice that the date of death on Jin's tombstone was 9-22-2004....the date of the crash? What are your thoughts on that?

Answers: I finally watched last week's episode today. Did anyone else notice that the date of death on Jin's tombstone was 9-22-2004....the date of the crash? What are your thoughts on that?

Yes, I did notice that (gotta love that rewind and pause feature). I don't know if he's dead dead (though that would be my guess) but the scene between Kate and Jack last year seems to indicate that some may have been left behind (because Jack told Kate he keeps taking Oceanic flights hoping he'll crash on the island again).


I think he was one of the ones left behind that the Oceanic 6 aren't supposed to talk about. I'm not really sure at this point if the O6 even know there were survivors on the island or not.

If you have been paying attention this season, those who get off the island have told the story that everyone else died in the crash! Why, I don't know yet, but thats what jack was talking about at Kate's trail. How she helped save the other 5 who survived!!

Welcome to the party :)

if you remember in Syid's flash-forward when talking to Ben he was talking about keeping his friends on the island safe and not discovered.Is Jin in that category or not? we shall soon see.

I don't think Jin gets off the island. The Oceanic 6 told the world that everyone else died. I think they made tombstones for everyone and just put the date of the crash. even though some of them aren't dead. I believe Jin is still alive on the island.

Only six people got off of the island. Obviously Jin isn't one of them. The episode last week was a flash forward for Sun and a flashback for Jin. She names the baby what he wanted to name her and then visits his grave. However we do not know how/why he is still on the island. If he is alive or what Sun believes or knows happened to him. At this point Hurley, Kate, and Jack seem to be the only ones to say they "left" some people behind.

I think Walt is on the freighter. He's the one banging the pipes like Sayid heard.

Also, The helicopter went to the 2nd island. But not sure for what.

And Jinster is alive. Everyone know Sun is not crazy & wouldn't call out Jin's name like she did in labor. He's on the island!

Since Ben has Michael working for him & Michael says don't trust the captain, I think they should.

Ben is a sneak & Michael will do whatever it takes to get away w/ Walt.

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