Isn't it terrible that Lindsay Lohan's mother is exploiting her kids to !

Question: I heard that Lindsay won't even make an appearance. Good for her. I can't believe how trashy her mother is! And this is really mean but Ali isn't cute like her sister. She's really awkward looking. Basically, the mom is just making loot off of being Lindsay's Mom and using Lindsay's little sis and bro for show material. Sad.

Answers: I heard that Lindsay won't even make an appearance. Good for her. I can't believe how trashy her mother is! And this is really mean but Ali isn't cute like her sister. She's really awkward looking. Basically, the mom is just making loot off of being Lindsay's Mom and using Lindsay's little sis and bro for show material. Sad.

It's terrible for sure but seems pretty much par for the course as far as Dina Lohan is concerned. Now that the Lindsay gravy train has dried up, Dina has moved on to her other kids.
Hey Dina! Here's an idea. Why don't you let your children go to school and you go get a job? I know it's crazy. BUt it just might work! ; 0

Yes, but who will be surprised? Dina Lohan does whatever she can to make a buck off of her kids.

Agreed =]

OMG! :_(

God that woman is sick! I think she originally wanted stardom for herself but since she never made she is pushing her kids to do it for her. I heard that Lindsey threw a party and her mom showed up with the camera crew to try and film part of it for her reality show but Lindsey told her she would be escorted out if the cameras came in. They said the mom left after a few minutes clearly upset.

Those other 2 kids are headed for rehab soon too. Their mom just pushes way too hard!

I think it's really sad and wrong. Why would you do that to your kids? And Ali is only 13 or 14, she has plenty of time to grow into herself if not then Dina will "fix" her if she wants money out of her. People like Dina make me sick. It should be illegal to do that to your own kids.

There is a warm spot in Hell for the Dina Lohans of the world.

r u serious??? Yea thats really pathetic...are things that bad that she has to make her family look desperate for money....and lindsy wont make an thats where the ratings are....people r going to watch cuz theyre hoping to catch a glymps of her.......whatever i give it 1 1/2 seasons....

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