Does sci-fi cause innovation in tech or does tech cause a innovation in sci-fi?!

Question: Does sci-fi cause innovation in tech or does tech cause a innovation in sci-fi!?

Gene Roddenberry had often stated that he would talk to people from NASA, JPL and the famous Rand Corporation to find out what they thought would be possible in future tech!.

Star Trek: TOS was also one of the first to use 3!.5 floppy disks which Spock used on several episodes YEARS before they were even created!.

The diagnostic sick bay bed with all its various scanning equipment became the reality of X-Ray tech, MRIs, C!.A!.T!. scans, Ultrasounds, etc!.

The U!.S!. Navy actually sent a delegation to study the layout of the Bridge because it was set up so efficiently!.

The Captain's eyes are before him in the form of a HUGE view screen; the pilot and navigator are like his hands are seated in front of him!.

The science officer is to the right, ready to present any info the captain needs!.

The communications and engineering officers are to the right, rear and left respectively - out of the way, but close enough to present any info or follow any command the captain orders!.

And the captain's chair swivels so he can turn around and survey his entire command center with ease!.

I mean, people can knock Star Trek all they want, but that was a truly groundbreaking show on so many levels!.

And many of the stories from WAY back in the day STILL hold up today!. "City on the Edge of Forever" anyone!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

This is a good question!.!.!.I believe sci-fi is greatly responsible for advancements in technology!. This may seem simplistic but look at those techno stuff on old shows such as "Star Trek" and even the cartoon "Jetsons" - and compare them to our world today!. We're getting there;)

Now, just beam me outta here!.!.!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

tech causes innovation in sci-fi!. Sci-fi is usually a reflection of the research interests of the time (genetics, nuclear testing, etc!.)Www@Enter-QA@Com

I'd like to think sci-fi inspires design!.!.!.
not the other way aroundWww@Enter-QA@Com

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